Connect to your intuition

Connect with your intuition
Our intuition is one of the most important tools we have in our tool case.
Intuition is connected to the collective mind; it knows everything on this universe and offers the real solution to everything.
When we need the truth, this is where we have to look at.
And combined with common sense and empathy is extremely powerful.
Because traditions are not always our truth, they come from centuries of repeating patterns, and they don’t always represent us.
Because logic has many versions and it’s not easy to find yours.
Because advice come from subjective needs and observations.
The biggest problem though is our blind eye towards our intuition.
We try to avoid it because of all the previous reasons, traditions that don’t belong to us, logic that is not logical for us, morality and religion that doesn’t come from us.
But your intuition is your real truth, according to your own needs and maybe it’s the only way to predict your future.
The problem is, intuition is not visible by science, cannot be seen by psychologists, and we, coaches, may have an idea about our own intuition, definitely not yours.
This program is not giving advice or guiding towards some goal.
This program is a series of exercises for finding YOUR way to tell the difference between your intuition and your wishful thinking, for finding YOUR way to recognize the subtle, low, and often silent voice of your inner wisdom.